ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß MOVEMENT ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß Orders are F,B,D,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Select either an army or navy (option 1 or 2). When entering movement a string of numbers 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9 will give the unit orders move in that direction based on the number key pad. A string of numbers '44414' will tell the unit to move 3 units in direction '4' then one space in direction '1' then one more in direction '4'. The actual movement that this will perform is shown by arrows on a small map and the final position is given by a '*'. 7 8 9 Movement Directional Diagram---> 4  6 1 2 3 Each space is assumed to be 40km. wide, 80 km.high. and 90 km diagonal. Units have movement abilities. The rates are as follows: Infantry : 320 km Man O' War : 900 km Cavalry : 400 km Transport : 750 km Militia : 240 km Barge : 200 km A fleet or an army will travel at the speed of its slowest member. An army without a leader will travel at only 60% of normal. A battle fleet without a leader will travel at only 90% of normal. All units will be permitted to move at least one space no matter what the cost. In addition units have restrictions placed on the movement. Land units may not enter a whole sea space unless as passengers on a fleet. Sea units may only enter whole land units at a port city or port capital. Barges may only move in coastal spaces. Movement in while sea spaces will be at the rate of 1 per turn. Land units are restricted by terrain as follows: Mountains : Cost + 100km Woods : Cost + 50km Straights : Cost + 100km Forced March - Put a 'F','f' in front of a orders string to force march. This adds up to 100km more on your march but you will lose troops to attrition. Force marching troops also go one impulse before all other movement. Thus to get a jump on other armies you can force march. You cannot force march across straights or in boarding and debarking. Troops attrited from force marching are returned to your garrison (except cannons) and are not killed. Board - Put a 'B' at the end of your string to board a fleet in port. The presence of a fleet is not checked until the turn is done. (Because enemy fleets could intercept your fleet before it gets to port). The movement of a unit end when it boards. If more than one fleet is found in port then the first fleet (alphabetical order) that can transport the army will be used. Debark - Put a 'D' on an army to debark a fleet in port. No orders are accepted for an army on board a fleet until the 'D' order is found. This takes the equivalent of 120km of movement to debark. Snow - Snow,Storm or ice will reduce all movement by 1/2. In addition there is attrition in every space that a unit moves into or ends in outside of towns and cities. One half of these lost troops die and the other half return to your general pool of available manpower. They have in effect lost all of their equipment. Orders of 5 is a pause order. Units will not move for part of a turn. This lets the army or navy pause one movement period in place before moving on. This does have the effect of reducing the remaining movement by 40 km. When entering a string of orders the game will calculate permitted movement. If not all the orders are echoed on the screen then the remainder are not allowed. If your army enters the space occupied by an enemy army or an enemy army is immediately to the right of the space entered a battle will ensue. You must give your army an aggressiveness order to instruct it on how to react in that battle. You must enter an aggressiveness factor of from 1 to 5. One being less aggressive and 5 being highly aggressive. You army or fleet will react as follows: 1 : Scouting attack then retreat. One round of combat and your unit will retreat. In doing so if may leave cannon and low quality troops behind. This is treated as a retreat for this unit and if the attacker does pursue you may be attacked again if you are not faster than they are. 2 : Probing advance/defense. Two rounds of combat are done and then a retreat. This is done in order to beat scouts, but not enough to take heavy casualties. 3 : Standard. Army will attack units in its path and if the battle takes more than two rounds of combat it will halt for the remainder of the turn. 4 : As per the standard except the army will continue to fight even though its position is hopeless. 5 : Very aggressive. It will not stop until the enemy units have all been defeated or the troops in this unit have been killed or have broken morale. If you out cavalry the enemy troops you will change their scouting attack in to a standard attack. Note - Everytime you retreat from battle the morale of for those units will go down. Everytime you defeat an enemy in battle your morale goes up. Answer 'Y' if you want to keep these orders. Answer 'N'o if you want to re-enter the orders. You are given the opportunity to change the movement orders.